Creating awareness about counterfeit products from various categories like consumer product, auto mobile and day-to-day usable products etc.
Making consumer aware of anti-counterfeit labels, stickers, Hologram, Embossing and packaging.
Training people to understand the quality of products and material thereof.
Educating consumer about Intellectual Property Rights.
Making consumer aware of differences between original and counterfeit products.
Organizing conferences, road shows, scenarios, workshops, symposiums in connection to trademarks and copyrights across India. This will include showing video graphs, posters, films with use of speakers.
Publishing books, magazines newsletter and conducting vocational trainings.
Creating awareness as to indulgence of black markets in sale of counterfeit products.
Explaining laws pertaining to sale of counterfeit products.
Making people aware of what they need to do in case they find that they buy counterfeit product.
Making People understand that sale of counterfeit product is an offence not only against the original product manufacturer but also the consumer who buys a counterfeit product.
Approaching police or other appropriate authority in case the NGO receives complaint as to sale of counterfeit products.
Initiating legal actions against the persons indulged in sale of counterfeit products.
Providing legal assistance to victims who?tellectual Property Rights have been violated.
Providing legal assistance to people who suffer loss or injury of any nature on account of a counterfeit product they buy.
Working with organization, NGOs and Government bodies.
Educating people about effects of counterfeiting on the Indian Economy.
Making people aware of the fraud that they become subject to by buying a counterfeit product.
Organizing cultural programs and sponsoring other social gatherings like celebration of national festivals.
Granting relief and assistance to the needy victim of natural calamities such as flood, earthquake and fire etc.
To create awareness by uploading video on YouTube, News channels, SMS & all social networking sites.